Program Dates: Please contact us for arrangements for your Company or Association Personalized Program, where we come to you. Get a group together and take The Elevator to a higher level in Presentation Skills or go right to the top with one of our EXPERIENCE Workshops.
Seminars: The Starter Kit ™ We now run these Seminars on a demand-basis. Please call for your in-company seminar rates. This can be a very cost-efficient way to give your staff the basics in PRESENTING. Speaking 4 Success ™ Are you responsible to find speakers for
your Group / Association meetings? This interactive seminar can be tailored
from 30-90 minutes to fit your schedule. Seeing 4 Success ™ Learn the basics of BODY LANGUAGE and how
it can benefit your ability to understand what someone is thinking. This interactive
seminar is great for groups up to about 50. Runs between 45-90 minutes. Workshops: · The Elevator ™ · The Personal EXPERIENCE ™ · The EXPERIENCE ™ · Just 4 You ™ Please call for latest dates
Please call our offices for additional information or visit our contact page.